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Talk business in a sentence

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Sentence count:24Posted:2018-04-12Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: Business is businessbusinessdo businesson businessbusiness addressbusiness daybusiness manbusiness news
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1. Chapman decided the time was opportune for talking business.
2. They talked business on the telephone.
3. The guests were mostly middle-aged men talking business.
4. I'm not going to talk business tonight.
5. But let's talk business for a moment,[ ] Oak.
6. Talking business at dinner is a faux pas in France.
7. She'd dressed for breakfast in shorts and T-shirt and it wasn't the ideal outfit for talking business with hotel managers.
8. I want to talk business.
9. We will talk business during the dinner.
10. Never talk business on an empty stomach.
11. The spider can come forth and talk business upon its own terms.
12. It was indecent of them to talk business at the funeral.
13. Now let's talk business.
14. Would you like to talk business while we are having lunch?
15. We often talk business.
16. And the bloke on the other end of the phone said, I think we could talk business.
17. If you should find the cottage more a liability than you had envisaged then we can perhaps talk business in the future.
18. I hope you're not a hothead like your brother Sonny. It's impossible to talk business with him.
19. Sincerely welcome the new and old customers to visit and talk business.
20. Chinese salespeople routinely wine and dine prospects before they sit down to talk business.
21. Integrity will be more ambitious people will forever remember and reservations, I Let's talk business cards!
22. Welcome customer from home and abroad pay a visit our factory and talk business with us.
23. Welcome the friends and customers and aboard to visit our company and talk business.
24. The traveling merchant can call at or call on to talk business.
More similar words: Business is businessbusinessdo businesson businessbusiness addressbusiness daybusiness manbusiness newsbusiness taxbusiness lawbusinessmanbad businessshow businessbig businessmerchandising businessbusiness cardbusinesslikeout of businesssmall businessbusiness loanmean businessbusiness hoursbusiness gameagribusinessbusiness dealbusiness suitbusinesspersonbusinesswomanstage businessbusiness trust
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